Episode 04: Stories of Transition (with Bwana Chad Phillips)
On this episode, we are joined by none other than Bwana Chad Phillips, TCK Director for Assemblies of God World Missions. Bwana shares stories from his own TCK journey - how he navigated transition, what that taught him, and his biggest piece of advice for TCKs transitioning back to the States for college. Tune in for lots of stories, resources, encouragement, and the reminder that you're not alone.
There was so much more we wanted to talk about, so we can't wait to have follow up conversations to help us unpack all that goes with transitioning well. What questions do you have about transition? How can we help support you or your TCK? We’d love to hear from you! Connect with us HERE.
HOSTS: Michelle Ellis & Colton Shrader
Beverweerd Castle
TCK Counseling
Building a R.A.F.T. - How to Leave Well
TCK - third culture kid
MK - missionary kid
LAC - Latin America Caribbean